by slackerb
I'm planning on trying to adapt the 1st edition Road to Legend into a 2nd edition Campaign, once I have played the Shadow Rune campaign and the conversion kit is out.I have some ideas on how I want to do it, and thought it would be a good idea to get opinions from the masses. Also, if anyone has scans of second edition map tiles, travel cards, etc. that would be very helpful.
The campaign will be formatted to second edition standards, but the number of quests will likely be greater. I'm thinking of a range from the existing 9 to 27 quests would be reasonable. You could even have the basic campaign (of 12 quests for example) and then an epic campaign version (of 27 qquests for example). I'm brainstorming how to continue a campaign and mitigating power creep and my possible solutions are:
1. Slightly decrease XP and item rewards to make progression even slower
2. Make Act III cards for every monster/LT.
3. Use existing Act II cards and add more monsters/obstacles, etc. in "Act III" quests
First, I'm going to convert some or all of the road to legend "dungeon levels" into second edition quests. Rumor levels and legendary dungeons will be prioritized because they are the most thematic and seem like they'd be simpler to convert to a set of two encounters.
Can use the second edition Farrows and will add some old RtL LTs to the campaign.
The map will be revised with locations tied to certain quests. The map will also have travel symbols added between locations. Act I quests will be near Tamalir, Act II quests farther away, and Act III quests (if playing epic) in the most dangerous areas.
Travel Step
New travel cards may be needed?
What other areas need to be converted? I think making new quests would be the first priority.