by DoakesWD
We've played a lot of sessions with our group, great fun, but i noticed people were not that keen on using the conditions that came with their weapons. Mostly picking other (straightforward damage) surges in favor of a condition.Not smart i guess, but searching through the pile of conditions and tokens for the right one, and re-reading the effect - sometimes explaining it, seemed to cause some sort of conservatism...
But a simple handling tweak got us to appreciate it more, and now those "enchanted" weapons really feel badass and conditions are used more often.
So now this is how things go, simply visualizing those weapon "enchants" more:
When someone buys "The hammer of doom" f.ex. we place one condition card next to it to easily remember the effect + the player loads up on a stack of doom tokens next to his hammer. Tokens are always cool :-) So now his enchanted hammer is visually loaded with a pile of doomtokens to smash onto the monsters.
I know, super simple "flavor" tweak :-), but got us exited for the conditions a lot more. So sharing doesn't hurt i guess!