by Fiat Lux
Hello,I have both editions of Descent but have never played an RPG. A friend's regular D&D group fell apart since one person moved. I described the basics of Descent as an alternative and they are interested, but I don't know which version to recommend.
I would either introduce vanilla D1 (starting with "Into the Dark") or vanilla D2 (starting "Shadow Rune" campaign).
Because I don't know anything about D&D, I am unsure what a typical D&Der would prefer. I believe they stopped with the most recent edition (5th?) The only thing I know is that D1 is modeled more closely after D&D. So this could go two ways: either they would prefer D2 because of its vastly improved narrative, world-building, and character progression, or they would prefer D1 because it's more "familiar" and they care more about that than a fleshed-out narrative and world. I just don't know!
I would ask them myself but they are on vacation so it would be nice to have something for their return. Thanks in advance!