by tomkat364
Long time IA player who just purchased Descent 2nd Edition Core Box. I only started IA about 6 months into the game, and I notice that the newest minis (smuggler and Bantha) are much crisper casts with less wonkiness and flash. I was disappointed when I opened my Descent box, as there is tons of flash and fuzzy details, especially on the goblin archers, fleshmoulders, and *zombies* or whatever they are called.My question is: were the miniatures like this with the first printing, Have the molds aged to this point since the game was first made 2-3 years ago, or did I just get a bad batch?
I probably should not be judging other minis by IA standards, but since this was also FFG, and my Battlelore minis are not quite this bad either, I thought I'd ask.