by Bohde8781
Just curious what other players here are doing with Descent Expansion sets... mainly for players that own multiple expansion sets. (And to be clear, I'm mainly talking about the small/large box expansions, not the Hero/Monster Collections or Lieutenant Packs)When you're playing a certain campaign (lets use the core "Shadow Rune" as our example), do you allow the Hero players to choose Heroes and/or Class Decks from other expansions that you aren't currently using (ex: for Rumor Quests, full campaigns, etc)? Do you also then let the Overlord use any/all sets of Overlord class cards to upgrade their Overlord deck?
I know the rules for starting the Campaign say that all players should agree to what expansion components will be used in the current campaign, but I'm interested in seeing what other Overlords are doing with integrating small and/or large box expansions in their campaigns. Are you allowing only 1 or 2 expansion set(s) material to be used, or allowing heroes (and the Overlord) access to the full range of heroes and/or classes?
For me, I've always only included the materials from 1 full campaign and 1 small box expansion (for Rumor quests) and all Hero/Monster collections I own for each campaign I've ran in the past. However, I'm starting to come around to the idea of allowing Heroes to pick from the full collection, since I own all the current 2nd Ed. expansion material. This way, my group can experiment with different options and combinations.