So, I recently started Kindred Fire with some friends. We did the first mission and won (barely), and then played the second mission(1st side mission) and lost and got 0xp. We lost so I assumed that's the way it goes. But the next week I didn't bring my iPhone and loaded up a previous game on my iPad where we had also already played the first mission, and this time we won on the side mission but this time although we won, it again gave us 0xp!! Is that normal or a bug? If it's not a bug, then what's the point of a side quest if you can't level up your character outside of gold/fame? If we skip side-missions and only play the story missions that actually give XP wouldn't that only be like 3-4 missions/XP for the whole campaign? If so, that doesn't sound like you'd ever get to see much of your class deck and kind of defeats the purpose for me to enjoy it. Our group has played a ton of Imperial Assault where every side and story mission gives you 1xp even if you lose, but sometimes you can get 2xp on story missions if you win (not to mention the gold to upgrade your gear), so maybe that's affecting my expectations here. Thoughts?