by Anarchosyn
I'll keep this short as my work day is coming to an end and I lost my original draft of this to a browser crash:Descent arrives for me tomorrow. In the bevy of options I'll have:
1) Heris of Blood + all three small box side quest options.
2) Road to Legend.
3) Forgotten Souls analogue co-op.
My core group is composed of two (myself included), and though my girlfriend isn't apposed to the 1v1 styled play of traditional Descent, it was the cooperative potential that prompted the purchase.
My thinking:
Naturally, Road to Legend is the prize, but I have a "best for last" mentality at times. Heirs of Blood, though not optimal at this player count, would help reinforce the core rules, but maybe best approached when we not only both appreciate Descent, and have another player. Forgotten Souls is.. well.. honestly I'm not sure. Can't say I'm excited for those POD adventures, but I figured having them wouldn't hurt. Playing them before Road to Legend seems smart (who wants to move backwards in quality?), but I'm unsure how good those PODs are for learning the game (i.e. would it leave a bad impression?).
Thoughts? Thanks.