by Silopolis
I imagine this comes up quite a bit, but here we go.I'm looking to pick up one of these two games. I own Imperial Assault, but since I have no idea when that app is coming, I'm likely to want to play one of these app-driven Fantasy Flight games sooner rather than later.
I was looking at Mansions of Madness, and I enjoy the storytelling, the role-playing, the apparent versatility of the scenarios... but the price is a bit too high, and the number of available scenarios for the price is ridiculously low. At the same time, I've heard the experience is second to none, and that's important... as is the ability to play the scenarios again with my wife ( I would likely play mainly solo) and not feel like I'm retreading the same steps in the plot.
I see Descent's Road to Legend app is similar, and that it's a cheaper overall package, and that there are WAY more scenarios available for the cost of just the base game. I just can't get a real sense for the experience of playing the app, the storytelling, or the replayability of any given scenario or encounter.
Any advice would be very welcome.