by Hullstar
I recently bought Descent because the Road to Legend app offered me an option for solo play.I want to paint the miniatures, but I was planning on painting them in the order I'd use them. So, I'd just paint the ones I need for the first scenario, play that scenario, then paint the ones for the second scenario, play that scenario, etc. This is mainly because it takes me some time to paint the figures. The less I have to paint before playing, the soon I'll get to play.
I seem to have, however, come across a problem with this. Once a scenario offers an open monster group as an option, am I right in assuming the app randomly generates this group from any of my available monsters? So, if I paint the zombies because they match the scenario symbol, the app could instead generate the barghests (which I haven't yet painted) because they also match the scenario symbol?
It's not the end of the world, as I could simply play them unpainted, but I would prefer them to be painted. And I will paint them all eventually.
I'm just curious as to whether all my planning on which figures to paint first is actually in vain.