by Sly de Moya
Hello:I make this post in the Forum, So if possible to help me converge some World of Warcraft weapons into descent because We already finished all the expansions and I am making custom made quests.
Here is a example, Any and all opinions are more than welcome, and thank you:
Thralls Doomhammer
Binds when picked up
Type: Melee and Range (can be thrown)
Unique-Equipped (Legendary)
* May choose one of the elements to charge per every 2 turns. (Earth, wind, fire, water, wind, etc).
Earth: - Poison- If this attack deals at least 1 Heart (after the defense roll), the target is Poisoned
Fire: Fire Breath keyword allows a figure to spend a Surge to make an attack that hits 4 additional spaces, with each space after the first being adjacent to the last. All figures in those spaces become targeted or affected by the attack and must roll defense dice separately.
Wind: Whirlwind: Perform an attack with a Melee weapon targeting all adjacent monsters. You make 1 attack roll and each monster rolls its defense dice separately.
Water: causes a wall of water to rise up around the Hero, each monster adjacent to the hero most roll at a Willpower test or suffer 2 Fatigue.
Lightning strike: + 2 dmg and Stuns for 1 turn.
1 Surge: +4 Range
1 Surge: Add 1 red dice of Dmg
- Thank you all sincerely
Sly de Moya