by HeavyNerd
Hey people.I have a question and I need your help to answer it.
Playing Road to Legend you have peril system that keeps throwing ever inceasing well... perils at you. These range from slightly annoying you with conditions to completely shifting the balance of the game by summoning a strong foe.
I have played multiple small campaigns, delve and we have Kindred Fire in progress now. Last game night friend of mine noticed weird fudgery going on with peril system and asked "how does it work?" to which I replied
"I have no idea".
And now I want to know but I cant find any info about it. Is it a track that goes up and down or only up? Does it generate random number after X amount of turns?
Because we noticed some inconsistency in perils. In Rise of Goblins for example we got perils that caused direct damage and summoned monsters.
In our last session/quest (Kindred Fire) we only got minor peril where we had to move heroes away from certain hero and only that (about 4 times). Had we received the same damage perils we might have been defeated.
Can anyone shed some light on this mystery? It would be nice to know if we could affect perils by killing monsters or searching tokens maybe?