by geki
Hello, I read through the forums but still wanted to ask people's opinion about the chances for the heroes to win any of the quests. We stopped the campaign after the first encounter of the second act went terribly bad for the heroes, just as it happened through the entire act one.The heroes were only able to win the second part of Masquerade Ball with a quick rush on the Vampire-Liutenant. Any other encounter, 1st or 2nd of each quest, was won by the overlord, usually without any tension and/or chance.
We felt this was due to the lack of alternatives in strategy for a two-heroes group.
Did anyone else find easily to crush a 2heroes group?
Or were our heroes rolling terribly bad? (Cannot be just bad strategy, often they were both dead by the second turn, after having killed monsters and healed with the Disciple's Prayer)
For complete information, Ispher was the Disciple, Syndrael the Berserker