by epilepticemu
Hi all,So my roleplaying group currently plays D&D 4E. 2 of the 5 players really detest roleplaying. 2 like it, and 1 can take it or leave it. I'm thinking of trying Descent 2nd edition to replace D&D.
I think we'll like Descent because we really don't like how much secretary work there is before/after our D&D games. Also, it seems like in D&D, it's not worth playing unless you have a solid 3 hours to commit, while you can have some fun in Descent in 90 minutes.
Are those correct assumptions on my part?
So my last question is this. Is there any place to find roleplaying in Descent for those that want it? What would it look like? And have any of you incorporated some roleplaying into your games?