by NewfieJebus
My gaming group is currently enthralled with Talisman 4e (with Dungeon, Reaper, Frostmarch and Sacred pool expansions). We've been playing about 5-6 games a week. My girlfriend picked me up Descent 2.0 for Christmas (so hard not to open lol).My question is, with my group being fairly new to the world of board-gaming, would Descent be a good "step up" from Talisman. I know they're both very dice heavy, but I'd like a little more choice beyond "move left or right". I've had my eye on Arkham Horror, but it's a little beyond what my current group have the patients for. I'd like to ease them into the more theme heavy games without drowning them and scaring them off.
So, is Decent a good step in that direction? Still simple, but a little more in depth than Talisman.