by Rhezuss
DAMN! Earlier this week I called my bro, my cousin and a friend to start a new campaign. All were thrilled! The friend bailed out but we ended up, today, starting a new campaign with my bro as the Overlord and me+cousin with 2 Heroes each.I picked Alvric/Disciple and Reynhart/Champion
Cousin picked Tomble/Thief and Quellen/Runemaster
Started at 1:00pm, explained the rules to the cousin, setup the Intro First Blood while he read all the skills and character sheets. We started playing at 2:00pm. First Blood took a bit too long for what it is mostly because my bro forgot he could move his monsters twice each turn (mixed up with the only 1 attack rule for the monsters).
We won First Blood after 1 hour and a half. Next Quest we choose "Death on the Wing".
Took a bit long too this one probably due to the secret passage we discovered and took our sweet time in there completing the challenges. By the end we the Heroes managed to win this one too! Relic! We got the Shield of the Dark God that we gave to Alvric.
During the Campaign Phase the Overlord played a Rumor Quest that offered us the quest "Gold Digger". We decided to not do it right now and continue our journey to the next Act 1 quest.
Next stop "The Masquerade Ball". Which went pretty smoothly, took under 1 hour to complete with another Heroes victory and oh yes, the "Fortuna's Dice" relic. Here you go Quellen, roll some dice and enjoy!
Now the Rumor quest. We travelled there and started it. The Wyrm roaming around us was annoying and damn aggressive, killling miners and all but again we pulled it off and won the Quest, earning ouselves with the magnificient "Aurium Mail" relic that we gave to Alvric, my beloved cleric! I must say, with the Shield of the Dark God and the Aurium Mail plus his healing power, his a damn good tank and support character that saved many in the last quests. Love the Disciple classe, extremely well balanced and damn fun to play.
Last quest of Act 1 now and since we won the former quest, we had to choose again. We picked "Castle Daerion". Started extremely well and we won the first encounter easily with all 4 villagers still alive. Great start for the last encounter. All was going pretty well until the Overlord played some evil tricks coupled with awesome rolls by the end of the quest…and he won, his only win of Act 1! That put a huge smile in his face lol!
We stopped at 2:00am with nice loot, huge smiles and the deception of realising it's already 2am…and not 2pm

12 hours of pure and epic fun, 5 quests done and realising how well done this game is. Can't wait to embark on Act 2 and see how it goes for us since the Overlord is not going to let us win that easily right?