by TKFantasy67
Hello, i have just been getting into board gaming recently and i have been looking into descent second edition a lot. I haven't had much role playing experience before but i do love the whole interactive storytelling aspect in rpg's, so i just want a game where you can just set up and get right into it instead of having a lot of homework to do like in your traditional rpg's.I know this game is your typical Overlord trying to defeat the heroes, very similar to HeroQuest, but im thinking of modifying the system a bit. I'm going to have the players try to interact more into the storytelling, since they have attributes now. Their going to have to make checks or test in between the narrative stories, whether it's negotiating with an NPC or interacting with their surroundings.
Example: Your party comes to a stop in the dark woods to make camp. The forest is very dense and dark, you cannot see more than 5 meters away, the tall tress enclose around your campsite, and you feel as if your being watched. As your party members set up camp, you hear a quick rustle behind a thick pile of bushes. (Lets say one of the players wants to make an awareness check to see what it is and he passes) Syndrael then uses her elven instinct and is familiar with the sounds that lurks within these woods. "Goblins!!" as she screams. your party makes ready for combat.
Cont: So then in this situation, i would have each player roll for initiative and i would have a small encounter where the heroes start in the middle and the goblins are surrounding them.
Overall, it's going to be kind of like a light based role playing game that requires encounters and majority of it interactive storytelling.
Questions: 1. So is this the closest board game out there that reaches rpg expectations, kind of similar to Warhammer Quest?
2. And is this the latest one of it's kind? unless i should wait for any upcoming rpg style board games or remakes of any kind? because i want to be able to make a satisfying purchase.
3. Is it worth the money?
Thank you and feel free to throw down some suggestions