by Barrosa
I'm looking for suggestions and ideas!You see, I've my heart set on the idea of writing my own campaign for 2e, using some of the 1e pieces to create new elements in the custom quests. I've already modded the Terrinoth map from RTL to work with 2e's encounter cards by replacing the encounter symbols and intend to use that for my campaign map. I'll name my custom quests after some dungeon locations on the map. Obviously there are more dungeon locations on that 1e Road to Legend map than i'll need for a 2e campaign but nothing a little photoshop can't fix.
I'm going to use one of the Overlords Avatars from RTL too, and their special Lieutenant as the villians of the piece. I'll be converting thier 1e stats to 2e myself as they are not included in the conversion kit. But I haven't decided which avatar to use... so some suggestions there would be great! Who's the most evil, hated avatar from Road to Legend?
I am toying with the idea of having the interlude quest be the heroe's having to lift a seige on Tamalir and confront a Lieutenant, sort of a nod to RTL. your thought's on that idea?
Point out your favorite 1e quests if you can, and i'll look to them for inspiration; I don't have tombs of ice or sea of blood expansions though...
and if anyone out there has written quests for descent before and has pointers to offer, lay it on me.