by grubman
…and we’re all out of bubblegum!According to plans, I’ve gotten all my Descent heroes painted up to go with the monsters. This is everything currently made for the game.
Now, for all you guys new to Descent (2nd edition) and thinking you wish you had all these heroes from 1st edition (and Dungeonquest, and the promos), I did a little math that might ease your pain.
With all the currently available characters and the appropriate classes there are 148 total possible combinations of characters.
With 4 heroes per quest, that means enough characters to play 37 quests without ever playing the same hero twice.
At about 9 quests per campaign being roughly 9 game sessions, and me meeting once per week to play…
…if I played Descent exclusively, it would take me over 3 years of constant weekly for every hero/class combination to see the table! That doesn’t include all the expansions that will come out during that time including more heroes and more classes.
I’m guessing ¾ of these miniatures will never be used for anything except “wow” factor when people get to choose a hero for a game.
…but it’s still cool