by Ignipes
At the beginning I want to point out that I don't want to offend anybody in any way.I'm just curious.
I subscribe many games forums here on bgg and Descent is somewhat unique (game, forum or players).
In other games forums rules question show up sometimes once a month. And if it does, it is question that was not asked earlier on that forum. Furthermore, it is usually a question that concerns some real difficulty in interpreting rules of the game.
With Descent however...
I feel like many players are so lazy that instead of checking the rulebook for some clarifications they start a thread on this forum. And they do it without looking if by the chance the question is answered already. And lately I've noticed another new habit. Instead of checking a rulebook or posting here, folks hit straight to the FFG, sometimes with basics.
90% of question being asked here need only referring to a rulebook.
More that 50% of questions could be answered by only referring to some previous threads.
I don't know why but somehow it annoys me. I guess it's not a big deal, but was there something like Netiquette?
Maybe I shouldn't complain (and I think I'm not), because to be honest I like answering those questions. Somehow it feels rewarding for me.
But on the other hand, it's because of you ignorants (no offense) I waste so much time searching some game rules
Correct me if I'm wrong, bu shouldn't it be:
1. Check the rulebook.
2. Search the forum.
3. Ask your question on the forum.
4. Ask FFG.
(...with each step to take only if previous one fails)
Again, I don't want to offend anybody.
I'm just shearing my observation.
Am I the only one seeing this?
Shouldn't I bother?
I know I won't change anything here but if you'd like, you're welcome to give opinion.