by Odhinn8503
So i've been trying to figure this out for a while now.I have the first edition descent, plus the three expansion that are available for it, plus the road to legend expansion and the one that has you sailing a boat, which i can't remember right now.
The second edition... with the fast set up, and stream lined rules that i'm hearing about... There is this conversion kit, to turn first edition stuff into second edition stuff. Is that just to take the heroes and put them into the second edition because the second edition has all new characters? or does the kit enable you to completely convert the original game with all components to second edition including all the new stuff?
I guess what i need to know is, if the second edition full game is for people with no descent playing history and the conversion kit is for people with previous game sets? Can you use RTL with the second edition? Does it not need RTL to play an ongoing campaign? I'm just curious, because i'm a bit of a FF game collector, but it's hard to find players around me. Been on a Twilight Imperium kick for a year or so. Coming back to this and seeing a second edition for another full price game set is disheartening. If i can convert my old stuff without buying a whole new game, especially if the set up really is faster with easier rules for play would make it a more playable game...
Anyway, thanks for the clarification.