by BertMcCloud
This might be a weird question and I know that the balance of the game has been discussed at great length in various different threads. But please forgive me for making a very similar thread, it is different to others (I hope).I'm not an extremely experienced player but I know the rules pretty well and I know what I'm doing enough to be a pretty good overlord and I'm aware of how to be use the rules to my advantage to win the game (as overlord). But I don't know the quests all that well, I've not managed to completed a cmapaign yet due to it being difficult to get people together.
But soon I'll be playing with some very new players, this is likely to be the most complicated game they have yet played and I want to make sure they have a good time. I will be (to an extent, and also if necessary) pulling punches to make sure they can learn the game without me throwing them around. But this will be a lot easier with a quest that favours the heroes. So here's my question.
Which quest should we play that a) can be quit comfortably after the first encounter if necessary b) favours the heroes c) is not first blood?
I know I should probably start with first blood but there are various reasons for me to not want to choose that quest.
We'll be playing 3 heroes and just starting right from the start XP-wise because I don't want to complicate things by giving extra items/skills. Any suggestions and help would be very much appreciated.