by Jamierparker
Hey guys!I'm totally new to Descent 2 and basicly to this dungeoning genre, but it came to the point when I got to Descent 2 on my wishlist.
It looks amazing, I used to play WoW, so this dungeoning fantasy probably will fit me, but I have a huge concern about the game.
I read that you have figures for heroes,normal and better monsters, so I saw dragons, etc in the box, but for the bosses, minibosses whatever, they call them lieutenants you have only tokens, and you can buy figures and extra cards for them in those lieutenant packs. I guess it would be okay if its a classic miniatures game, but I expected this game to have everything in the box and I can get new stories and everything by buying expansions. It sounds me such a rip off that they made only tokens for the base game and you have to buy twice the game's price if you want to play with boss figures.
What's your opinion about it? Is playing against figures but when you get to the "boss" (lieutenant) you face a token is demoralizing?
I really want honest answers, because this is my only doubt in buying this game!