Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Search tokens
by JaRool Hi guysWe're currently playing the game so the heroes get all search tokens on the map when they win. We do this from an RP perspective as the heroes will happily spend as much time as...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: On the...
by jgortner Evening all,So I have been on the fence about Descent 2nd edition for a while now and have a few questions that can help me make a decision before Christmas time requests!Thanks in advance...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Lieutenant...
by cobblepotter Ok, quick question. i live in the uk, I may as well be a million miles away from My nearest game shop so i do most of my game shopping online. I know I've come to the Descent 2nd...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Has anyone...
by MarioFanaticXV Hoping to find such a thing before I actually get the plot decks so I have somewhere to put them.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: This or...
by darthbored Apples and oranges I know but im looking for a decent rpg to play with my girlfriend. DND is way too complicated to hold her interest but we need something with a little complexity...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: How good...
by soccer_knight5 Thinking of getting this but I don't have a big gaming group and most of the time it is just me and my wife. How fun is this game with just 2. Is it worh having if I can only play it...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Lieutenant...
by Jamierparker Hey guys!I'm totally new to Descent 2 and basicly to this dungeoning genre, but it came to the point when I got to Descent 2 on my wishlist.It looks amazing, I used to play WoW, so this...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General::...
by dwjmeijer Hi all, I recently got the Alric Farrow lieutenant pack, and I noticed his abilities on the lieutenant card differ slightly from the lieutenant card provided with the base game.Is this an...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Two-player...
by jens_hoppe I am looking for a dungeon crawl for me and my son, but we are looking for something cooperative. One character each.Is there any chance Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition)...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: demonhide...
by lazzater why would anyone buy this item?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Thief Ability
by MARDUK66 Can you use "Lurk" and "Greedy" together for 2 Stamina? As the Overlord I said no, but I'am not sure. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Bol'Goreth...
by Wuyley In a surprise by me it looks like FFG ninja shipped the Valyndra and Bol'Goreth LT packs. Bol'Goreth had a MSRP of $15 while Valyndra had a MSRP of $20.I included a "size comparsion" shot and...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Lair of...
by HarryCanyon So I was looking on amazon to see if this expansion was available and it was out so I started checking other sites and this expansion is very hard to find other. Anyone know if FFG is...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Increasing...
by Azgard12 After our first plays, our main "want" was MORE monsters. So, I grabbed the conversion kit, expecting it to be somewhat easy to find proxies (I don't have anything first edition). I did a...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Descent...
by makar I am having some major trouble using the Quest Vault - I can not save any of my quests. It goes like this. Whenever I create a new quest, it says "En error occured while saving the quest to...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General::...
by super_bruno Hello there! I've played Descent a few times with experienced adult players, and thought the game was fine. It was a competition between the two teams and worked well.But, I've also...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: spligs...
by lazzater just got this in the mail, looking through the cards, i dont see any benefit for the starting plot card........can anyone explain it to me
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Is it fun...
by WSGrundy I am interested in this game but the major issue everyone I have ever played D&D with is no really likes being the DM. Someone always had to make the sacrifice and be the DM for a game...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Grrr...
by Fatesadvent First and foremost, the majority/first part of thread is just a pointless rant. Have some fun with it The map setup of this game I find is such a pain compared to Mansions of Madness...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: What to...
by Grim6 I have 1st Ed Base game and Altar of Despair. I got 2nd Ed and the conversion kit, haven't played too much, but need to make some space, and I'm looking at that giant 1st Ed coffin box.So what...
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