by makar
I am having some major trouble using the Quest Vault - I can not save any of my quests.It goes like this. Whenever I create a new quest, it says "En error occured while saving the quest to the server. Please try again." Then I still can work normally in the editor, but after I click on "Save Changes" (it shows "Saving Encounter 0..."), then on "Exit" (browser here alerts that without saving, all changes will be lost), and then try to open this quest again, it is just blank - nothing is saved, nor the layout, nor the text, nor anything...
Have anyone encountered the same issues? Am I just doing something wrong? I am already quite sick of it - I've tried it a dozen times, I tried using different browser (Chrome and Firefox), I even created another account on the site... Nothing helped.
I've already e-mailed FFG about this one (it's, isn't it?), but I had no reply, though I did it 3 days ago. So I decided to post it here, maybe someone could help me - if I'm the only one having this problem, maybe someone would come up with any ideas on what could cause it, or how to fix this... Thanks in advance!