by Fatesadvent
First and foremost, the majority/first part of thread is just a pointless rant. Have some fun with it
The map setup of this game I find is such a pain compared to Mansions of Madness (both games I recently acquired, with vaguely/distantly similar gameplay/setup). The tiles in Descent are all different shapes (hard to put into the box neatly. much less sort), and when putting the map together, I have to pretty much go through every tile looking at the numbers instead of having 3 sizes of tiles as in MoM.
Also annoying, I find a lot of the scenarios in the quest guide don't label all the tiles I need by # (e.g. 10A Campfire). I have to look at the picture and find it without the number or name. Tried uploading a picture but it didn't work, but my example of this is in a Fat Goblin, the centre north water title is unlabeled and its number is blocked by the treasure tiles.
Changing topics, played this game a few times, first few scenarios felt very gimmicky since OL (me) gets reinforcements. The heroes seem to be encouraged to just loot, and run after objective...hoping that changes a little, I expected/want more combat