Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Its...
by Rockin Rocko With the quantity of this game out there and its new resurgence (new buyer myself) due to the new app I am shocked that the guys at Broken Token or Go7Gaming haven't made a...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RTL -...
by impish1234 ...think its enough now for looking inside, otherwise i fall back to my beloved Amiga Time (Subway Crew).great work ffg - like it what i sawDefeat PictureKindred Fire MapKF...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Fantastic...
by vprice I just wanted to compliment FFG and Asmodee for their excellent customer service! I was missing some cards from Mists of Bilehall, and they are sending said cards immediately. This is the...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Road to...
by Nuuq Hello,I have been playing this amazing game with this amazing app when my tablet suddenly powered down.It was on 40% of battery and was on charger.Later on battery charged back to 10% and I...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RtL only...
by Mishenka Since the dungeons in RtL are prebuilt and must work for everyone no matter whether they have any expansions or not, does that mean that all dungeons will only use base game tiles?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RtL: Do...
by zappshmeow94 Title.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Best...
by Greybear I have ordered Descent 2nd Ed and have the Road to Legend app. What do y'all think would be the best expansion for my Collection in the app? Difficult to answer I know because the app is so...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Is RTL way...
by ryno80 I played the road to legend tutorial solo with 4 heroes and the amount of monsters, damage, perils and conditions were far greater than my 2 hero tutorial with my wife. The extra attack or...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RTL -- Do...
by nadurgin I have all the Lieutenant packs for Descent 2.0. So far every time I try the western side quest in the mini quest, when I am getting close to the end the Peril spawns an agent whose...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Heris of...
by APaulV Hi,I find myself in a silly situation, having played numerous sessions of descent by now. We are now playing the Heirs of Blood campaign and we reached the interlude - specifically the quest...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RtL...
by az933k So I finally got to try out Road To Legend this weekend and I created a group of heroes that all had or used familiars to get as many activations as possible.However when any of the groups...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Enfeebling...
by APaulV Hi. When using Enfeebling Hex it is stated u can hex a monster 3 spaces away from your target. So this is different than saying "3 spaces from your target space" right? This comes in play for...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Descent on...
by estevezzz Hi all! I'm a fan of Descent and also I'm a fan of Google. So I decided to create a Space for my favorite board game in new Google Spaces service. I invite you all:...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RtL: The...
by Taear Since so many of the Marshal abilities rely on stopping the overlord from drawing cards, does that mean the class is essentially useless in the app?I can see the marshal is choosable, but it...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Solo...
by Enroth186 Hi folks.As Descent 2.0 is getting its second life now as a coop/solo game, mainly due to the release of the Road to Legend app, there seems to be an increasing interest in playing...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Any...
by CaptLudd Looked all over but nowhere does FFG state how long "coming soon" means. Not familiar with this company in that regards so ask what I am missing? Hell I don't even see any speculation as to...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RtL best...
by cfrun02 Playing Descent for the firs time. Just wondering what is the best way to experience the RtL? 2,3, or 4 characters???
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: RTL On Steam?
by cranky_hobbit Anybody aware of whether Road to Legend will be on Steam?I saw in early news posts that it would be.I emailed FFG almost a month ago asking if they could confirm if they are releasing...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Egghead...
by Egghead Hobbies Greetings Descent players,I recently launched a model building and miniature painting channel on YouTube and got a great suggestion to visit the BGG Descent Forums and share the...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Save...
by Lemonpips Can anyone tell me at what points the RtL app saves your progress? Thanks!
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