by Always Red
I've just started a campaign. I'm playing the Overlord against 4 heroes (I'll need to look up which hero's as I believe they are from the conversion kit, but there are one of each class colour).So far we have played the Intro, Castle Daerion & Masquerade Ball. I have won all of them pretty easily and managed to prevent the heroes from doing much in the way of searching.
So far I've only been using the monsters that come in the 2ed box. We are all experienced gamers. This is all our first time playing apart for one of the heroes who also owns the game and has played it several times before.
The heroes are getting very frustrated as they feel like it is impossible to win as I keep winning without too much trouble. They think I should pull my punches and not pick monsters like shadow dragons and block passage ways. They think monsters should be restricted to be like zombies and can't move more than once a turn.
I don't feel the Overlord should have to pull punches and that the game is designed to be competitive between the Heroes and the Overlord.
So is this game not balanced or am I just goods gift to Overlording?
I've seen lots of posts about the heroes steam rolling the Overlord, are there any tips to make the game harder for the Overlord so the heroes can have more fun?
Should I just skip the odd turn to monologue about my master plan to give the heroes a fighting chance?
I want the game to be fun for the heroes, but I also want the game to be fun for me. I don't want to play badly on purpose.
What is an all powerful Overlord to do?