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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Grisban...

by solomani I notice that the card doesn't have that flip symbol. Does that mean he can use it every turn?

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Question...

by Nuwanda2482 Hello,the Shadow Rune card says that you recover one fatigue each time you defeat a monster with this weapon. However, a rune master often kills several monsters at once using his skills...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: What are...

by Cut_ I don't have my game handy right now and would need the names of the Heroes included in the base game. Can anyone help me out, please? No stats, no classes, no pictures, just the names...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Amazon has...

by JavaJoe96 Amazon is currently selling Descent second edition for $39.99 Who knows how long that will last.http://www.amazon.com/Descent-Journeys-Second-Edition-Board/...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Looking to...

by Haema I've been a fan of the Descent series, but it's time for me to get rid of some older inventory to make room for new games. I have all the miniature figures from the original base game of 1st...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: On the...

by eveator I have been on the fence about getting this game or not. I have a solid gaming group and was considering purchasing this game for weekly Sunday Descent sessions.I have scoured over countless...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Any ways...

by Rhezuss I was eagerly awaiting this game since the first announcement! Been looking to buy into D1E 3 years ago but saw how expensive it would quickly get so I kept away from it (i'm a damn...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: What is an...

by Always Red I've just started a campaign. I'm playing the Overlord against 4 heroes (I'll need to look up which hero's as I believe they are from the conversion kit, but there are one of each class...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Failure of...

by vrazix Played the Fat Goblin quest last night, 3 heroes (13 health berserk guy, Leoric of the Book and Wildmaster bow girl). This was the 1st quest after the intro quest, so everyone only had 1 xp...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Poll:...

by dcjoker [poll=106330]Sorry about the format this is my first poll on BGG. This poll is just out of curiosity. Not talking about which you think is necessarily the best combo but which one is your...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Square...

by garrapeta Hi,I'm painting my Descent minis (http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/888734/my-painted-minis) and I'm thinking about removing the round bases and use Citadel / Games Workshop square bases. I...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Lair of...

by NyQuil Driver Fantasy Flight has updated the icon from 'On the Boat' to 'Shipping Now'

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Varied...

by demonhanz One thing I'm a bit disappointed in is the fact that there is very little variety in terrain - few of the tiles have water, lave, pits, and obstacles. I'd have like to see more of these,...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Shadow...

by bleached_lizard Hi all,I was wondering how people felt about Shadow Dragons in the game, as it seems to me that they are the obvious first choice for the OL whenever they are available to be chosen....

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Painting...

by dpuldon Hi All,Maybe out of boredom or misplaced inspiration I'm thinking of attempting to paint my Descent 2nd Edition Miniatures(all the expansion ones), but I have no idea what I'm doing or what...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Campaign...

by illrepute As I understand it, the campaigns in this game have been split into shorter scenarios. Scenarios of an hour or less. Is this true? If so, how satisfying is such a scenario? Is it feasible...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Alguien...

by jrescan Hola, veo que Edge en España ha producido este juego. Yo tengo la versión en inglés y quisiera ver si alguien que tenga la versión en castellano me podría enviar una copia escaneada del...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: DEAR ABBY:...

by dustwhit DEAR ABBY: I live in a game box called Descent. Recently, I got shipped out and was included with a bunch of other monster groups. My figure looks a little indiscernable, and people don't...

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: Descent App

by dcjoker I just realized it would be so great if someone made a Descent app for my phone to keep track of my many games instead of using the terrible little sheets.Somebody please make this happen!

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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (second edition):: General:: What are...

by D6Frog What is the goal of each quest in 2E?I'm curious because I like slaying demons. Not really into that sissy stuff like protecting crops so the peasants can eat.

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