Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: What? No...
by amphigorey I'm kind of disappointed the second edition didn't come with a purple die. Hopefully, blue looks blue on the cards this time around. Good times. Good times.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: So is the...
by SilverBulletKY We played the intro quest last night and the players chose the healer archer (Jaina?) and the dwarf. Although it was an exciting finish, I had one goblin left to escape within...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Overlord...
by blunder1983 Just been playing a taster of the first act. Castle Darien was very close the heroes winning with 1 health on the knight. Thanks to meeting a traveller on the way to the castle they had...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General::...
by oddbod I have a core group of two friends that show up for pretty much every game night, but then a group of three others that show up maybe half the time.How easy would it be to start a campaign...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: For those...
by zolrac01 Let them be the overlord. Play a terrible combination of two heroes (no healers!). Set up the first map. Watch with satisfaction as s/he stomps you over and over again, feeling like a...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Reasons...
by schnapes Have played a few scenarios in campaign mode (2 player, hero controls 3) and seems with more than 2 heroes, it can be nigh on impossible for the OL to win, I just want to post some...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Ettins in...
by organiclockwork Hey all, I have a quick question. Picked up the game today and I'm about to play a two-player game with my boyfriend, beginning with First Blood. In the setup instructions for the...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Heroes...
by spoppo Hi guys,Just wanted to know if someone could post picture of the 6 heroes from dungeon quest or maybe just posting their ability and stats.Thank you.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Can you...
by blunder1983 If I was to equip an axe and a sword, would I attack with one or the other, or both? I kinda like the idea, you would be able to make it less op by having them roll more blues so more...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: 6 players?
by angramainyu I was able to play through the first encounter two-player, and really liked the flow and speed. I'd love to use this game as an option when my online D&D group meets for our...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Which 1ed...
by Icedanno I recently bought the 2ed Descent. Our group loves it. My question to you, loyal BGG readers, is this:If you went out and bought the 2ed Conversion kit, which 1ed expansion box would you...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Modern day...
by WilliamHawk For those of you who have played the new version of Descent, I wanted to ask if the game can be called a 2012 version of HeroQuest. I have been trying desperately to locate a game that...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Playing as...
by eroc1024 We are going to start a game this Friday for the first time. My question is, do you need the classic arch type to win this game, meaning having a Tank, a healer, and a damage dealer? I...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Stunned Math?
by SoylentRed I'm trying to math out the stun in the game to see if it's more streamlined... thoughts? Or since it's ambiguous, and FFG, what should we expect?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Poison....
by TheisMagle If you are knock out in your own turn. E.G. poison give the last damage. I belive you turn into a hero token, and your turn stop? Next round if you recive no help from fellow hero, you...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Main...
by bleached_lizard After playing three quests (Intro, Masquerade Ball, Fat Goblin, all with two heroes) the one impression we've got is that the encounters are over a little *too* quickly. Obviously...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: ETA on...
by solomani Any idea when this will be released as well?Thanks.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General::...
by haqattaqq Hey,What classes/characters do you recommend for a 2 hero game with newbies? Is it strongly recommended to have a healer (disciple or spirit speaker?)?Are there any bad combos, or should...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Question...
by milnivek I want to buy the pre-painted Pathfinder miniatures for D2e to replace the unpainted figures, cos they look pretty sweet. Does anyone know if:1. The sizes of the miniatures are the same...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Has...
by shnar I've played about 6 or so games now, and I'm starting to wonder how many quests have a 1st encounter that is really impactful on the 2nd encounter? Here's a list of what I've played: - A Fat...
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