Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Lair of...
by SoylentRed So a buddy and I (and a group of others of course) are going to pull out the expansion on Wednesday night. My friend and I will sit in the middle and run the same quest for 2 sets of...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Extra dice...
by falenheld At last!!!!!
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: please...
by zwara81 with the third expansion announced and the dice set out, can finally hear whats up with the Lt Figures. I don`t what to proxy anymore.please tell me and that my money FFG.
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Extra Dice...
by caric favorite supplier...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: An...
by SpoDaddy Has there been any word yet on an expansion that would enable the type of one-shot play that first edition was so good at? Specifically I'm referring to heroes powering up with loot...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Is it fun...
by iyanden I will prefer to play co-op with my friends. But if I am going to buy the game, I think I will be the "anti-social" one for most of the games. How do you derive fun out of it ?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Skipping...
by Christkid5 Hey everyone.I was thinking about getting Labrynth of Ruin as a big box expansion to give variety to my game. Is this a better or worse idea than getting the smaller expansions instead?...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Advice...
by darren OK, so originally I thought i might be doing this with two other people, which would be 3 total. Instead, it's probably just going to be me and my buddy. I see for 2 player, the manual...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Can OL...
by bluemoon6_3 I have juz played Fat Globins (E1), and 3 globins keep the grains. But they dun go away, juz stay there and wait for the giants knock out all the hero to draw OL cards...eventually all...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: My team...
by thefounder So here's how things have been going.We're playing with 4 heroesGrisban The Thirsty - KnightSyndrael - BerserkerLeoric Of The Book - NecroAshrian - Spirit SpeakerAs the Over Lord, I've...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Hero...
by vanwhackjob A large monster (4 or 6 squares) is completely blocking entry to a tile. Can a hero "move" past the monster because the monster "shrinks" for the purposes of movement?
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Monster...
by PretzelTwist Has anyone noticed that some of the traits (Cave, Cursed) have an immense number of monsters, while some (Water, Cold, Civilized) have next to nothing? I've counted out all the traits...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Storage...
by Mac13eth Anyone have a good storage solution yet? I find fitting the game back in the box to be quite tedious. I considered tossing the insert, but I like that it keeps the figures from making...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: A...
by super_bruno Hello! I've read a lot about the techniques used by members here on the geek to paint their miniatures. I would like to share the method I use which is a bit different. Techniques used...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Mini Card...
by EnjoyRC How are you organizing your MINI American Cards that come with Descent Second Edition? The larger ones fit in Ultra Pro Deck Boxes... but having a hard time storing the MINIs.BTW... I...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Any...
by Hermjard I am about to buy a copy of this nice game from a friend. His copy is from the first print, but I am aware of the fact, that meanwhile there is a second print available. So my question...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Do the...
by sharebear I see that the first game has alot of expansions and 2nd edition only had a couple. Will they work with the 2nd? Should I just buy the first edition? New comer to these types of games need...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Games...
by avril14 Anyone compared some of Games Workshops Tolkien dwarves to the scale of Grisbane?I'd like a few more dwarf brothers for a quest I'm designing and I'm picky about scale.The LOTR models they...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Does...
by avril14I downloaded the hero template with the intention of creating my own hero card, but I have absolutely no skill with photoshop or gimp or anything.Does anyone have any links for me to follow...
View ArticleThread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Is the...
by helu0302 I can't find the page for the 2nd edition conversion kit anywhere anymore... which I find, odd, I guess.PS. I also noticed someone trying to see this on ebay for $95. Maybe got confused...
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